Get Connected.
From networks to data recovery to security, we’ve got you covered. Read about some of our services below, and contact us with any questions or to get started.
PC Repair.
It’s happened to all of us. You’re working on a big project and then, BAM, the PC breaks. Maybe it fell off the desk. Maybe a virus corrupted something. Maybe the cat spilled coffee on top of it! Whatever the cause, we are here to help.
Whether your computer needs to be cleaned up, streamlined, or flat-out brought back to life, we offer a wide range of PC repair services.
Wireless Networking.
Kiss those wires goodbye! It’s time to enter the modern age. We will provide comprehensive networking solutions for any home, office, school, or church to help streamline workflow, clear clutter, and bring optimal online speed to the workplace. This upgrade will also bring greater reliability and stability to day-to-day operations.
Backup and Restore.
Almost done with that big report, then the power goes out! Preparing for a large presentation, then a virus freezes up your computer! Saved those precious family photos, but you forgot your laptop on the train!
Life happens. From crashed hard drives to stolen laptops to broken technology, there are a million possible ways to lose your data. Fortunately, we provide safe and secure redundancies to protect the most valuable information. You can rest easy knowing that your work is safe, backed up, and ready to be restored at any time.
Security & Video Surveillance.
Nothing provides peace of mind like proper video surveillance. Maybe it’s to watch for crime. Maybe for family safety. Maybe just for convenience in keeping an eye on your building’s operations. Whatever the case, we can provide expert-level security services. Our live video feeds can provide instant information from any device. Additionally, we are happy to office video back ups, history, high-end resolution, and multiple angles.